Graduate School
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2700
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Degree Evaluation
OU’s online degree evaluation (WebCAPP) allows you to compare your OU and transfer course work against degree requirements published in the graduate catalog.
Beginning with the first semester, you should familiarize yourself with the online degree evaluation process. Run your online degree evaluation prior to course registration to review any outstanding degree requirements and monitor academic progress.
As a graduate student, you are governed by the degree program requirements published in the graduate catalog in effect at the time you are admitted to the graduate program.
The degree evaluation is valuable advising tool that makes your path to graduation an easier one to follow, but it is not designed to replace meeting with your faculty adviser.
An official degree evaluation will be conducted by our office once you have applied for graduation. Final approval for graduation is required by your department and the Graduate School. Any changes to your original, approved Plan of Study must be submitted to the Graduate School in order to be incorporated into the online degree evaluation system. Additionally, you should make sure that an updated, adviser-approved Plan of Study is on file in the Graduate School prior to applying for graduation.
Each student is assigned a faculty adviser upon admission to a graduate program. Faculty advisers provide assistance in developing a Plan of Study and selecting appropriate graduate courses that adhere to program curriculum, as well as discussing career options and alternatives after graduation.
As a graduate student, you are governed by the degree program requirements published in the graduate catalog in effect at the time you are admitted to the graduate program. You may choose to meet program requirements published in a later edition of the graduate catalog; however, you must satisfy all the curriculum requirements as specified in that catalog. To change the catalog edition, you must submit the Change Graduate Catalog Edition form to update your online degree evaluation. If you are readmitted to a graduate program, you must follow all the program requirements and policies published in the graduate catalog in effect at the time of readmission.
Completed in consultation with your faculty program adviser, the Plan of Study details specific courses, exit option and other requirements you must complete in order to earn your graduate degree.
You should consult with your faculty adviser during the first semester, and no later than the end of the first year in your graduate program, to develop a written Plan of Study. The Plan of Study, approved by your graduate program adviser, must be submitted to the Graduate School in order to update your Online Degree Evaluation (WebCAPP).
An approved plan of study may be amended at any time. Until formal approval of an updated Plan of Study is made, your original or current modification of the plan will remain in effect. You are responsible for meeting with your faculty adviser on an ongoing basis and keeping your Plan of Study updated, as needed.